Professor Roger Feneley


Professor Roger Feneley was appointed a consultant urologist to the Bristol hospitals in 1968. Since retiring from active clinical practice in 1998 he has focused on his research interests. He is an Emeritus Consultant Urologist to the North Bristol NHS Trust and a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Applied Science at the University of the West of England (UWE).

He received his medical training at Cambridge University and Guy’s Hospital, qualifying in 1958. After obtaining the FRCS in 1962, he received a broad general surgical training at Guildford, Guy’s Hospital and Bristol before moving into specialist urological training in Bristol. He obtained the M.Chir degree at Cambridge in 1967 and was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by the University of the West of England in 2005. He served on the Council of the British Association of Urological Surgeons and was President of the Section of Urology at the Royal Society of Medicine in 1995/96.

In 1971 he founded the Urodynamic Unit at Ham Green Hospital, Bristol to further his interests in lower urinary tract disorders. These studies exposed the high prevalence of urinary incontinence in women and men and many of his publications were related to these subjects.

In 1998 he established the BioMed Centre under the charitable status of the Bristol Urological Institute, to seek ways of improving the palliative management of patients with neuropathic bladder dysfunction. The research programme at the Centre was supported by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the Departments of Health (DH), Trade and Industry (DTI) and the European Union with grants over £5 million. He raised nearly £1 million towards the building of the Centre in 2003 to provide clinical, laboratory and educational facilities and to investigate the problems of long-term catheterisation of the bladder. In 2005 the Department of Health funded the Centre as a pilot BioMed Healthcare Technology Co-operative (HTC) with the appointment of a Director to coordinate a collaborative partnership which included patients, clinicians, academics and industrial partners; Roger was appointed the first chairman of the BioMed HTC.

Professor Feneley published over 100 articles, four of which were in his 80's. He died in August, 2018.
